Insights Blog

Cedarville Insights provides answers to your pressing questions about Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, as well as college undergraduate and graduate programs, theological and philosophical questions, and general purpose information.
Theology Is for Everyone Video Series
At Cedarville University, we believe that the study of theology is for everyone. It's easy to think that theology is only important for pastors and Bible professors, but that's not true! Theology is for everyone who walks in a church and thinks thoughts and speaks words about God. And, we should want to be good theological thinkers, regardless of our role in the church. Theology is essential for every believer, because to engage in theology is to engage in Christian living.
Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, has recorded an eight-part video series on important theological doctrine that every believer should understand. Each video is short but full of rich truth. Watch them for personal growth, group study, or however God leads you. Be blessed as you dig deeper into God’s Word.
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Posted in Biblical-and-Theological-Studies Philosophy and Theology
Theology Is for Everyone: Last Things
In the final video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, explains the theology of Last Things, answering the question: "How will everything end?"
When Jesus returns it will be amazing, and we must be ready.
Watch as Dr. Kimble presents on these important doctrinal truths:

Cedarville University's Master of Divinity degree and online graduate degrees in Biblical Leadership, Worship an Theology, and Ministry are equipping men and women who desire to serve God in vocational ministry. With multiple accelerated options to choose from, Cedarville’s M.Div. provides a comprehensive program that is committed to biblical authority, the Great Commission, and equipping the next generation of leaders in the local church.
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Posted in Biblical-and-Theological-Studies Philosophy and Theology
Theology Is for Everyone: The Church
In the seventh video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, explains the theology of the Church, answering What is the Church? Specifically, its:
- Definition
- Membership
- Governance
- Mission
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Posted in Biblical-and-Theological-Studies Philosophy and Theology
Theology Is for Everyone: The Holy Spirit
In the sixth video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, explains the theology of the Holy Spirit, answering:
- Who is He?
- What does He do?
- How does it apply to my life?
Watch as Dr. Kimble presents on these important doctrinal truths:
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Posted in Biblical-and-Theological-Studies Graduate Philosophy and Theology
Theology Is for Everyone: Christ and Salvation
In the fifth video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, explains the theology of Christ and salvation.
In this video, Dr. Kimble answers the following questions:
- Who is Christ, and what did He do?
- What is the Gospel?
- What is salvation, and how can we be saved?
- How does this apply to me?
As believers, we must understand the Gospel and be prepared to share it with others.
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Posted in Biblical-and-Theological-Studies Philosophy and Theology
Theology Is for Everyone: Humanity and Sin
In the fourth video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, explains the theology of humanity and sin, looking at how sin affected man's relationship with God.
In this video, you'll learn what was originally true of humanity, what happened to humanity, and how we should apply this knowledge to our lives.
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Posted in Biblical-and-Theological-Studies Philosophy and Theology
Theology Is for Everyone: God
In the third video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, explains the theology of God and why it is so important to the believer.
In this video, Dr. Kimble shares what the Bible teaches about God and what that mean to us. When we understand who God is, we should recognize:
- God is worthy of worship.
- Life should be God-centered.
- We should pray to God constantly.
- God is powerful enough to transform our life.
- God will overcome evil in the end.
- We must keep ourselves from idols.
How we think about God shapes our Christian life. A life centered on God will be lived for His glory.
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Posted in Biblical-and-Theological-Studies Philosophy and Theology
Theology Is for Everyone: Scripture
In the second video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, explains what Scripture is and why it's important to understand what the Bible says about itself.
In the video, Dr. Kimble answers three questions.
- What is Scripture?
- What are the attributes of Scripture?
- What are some applications for us?
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Posted in Biblical-and-Theological-Studies Philosophy and Theology
Theology Is for Everyone: Introduction
It's easy to think that the study of theology is only for pastors and Bible professors, but that's not true! Theology is for everyone who walks in a church and thinks thoughts and speaks words about God. And, we want to be good theological thinkers, regardless of our role in the church.
In the introduction to his “Theology Is for Everyone” video series, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, answers three key questions:
- What is theology?
- How do we do theology?
- Why should we study theology?
Theology is essential for every believer, because to engage in theology is to engage in Christian living.
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Posted in Biblical-and-Theological-Studies Philosophy and Theology